Bestellnummer: 184372


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Giovanni Paolo II.

Abba Pater

An Inner Journey Mapped Out by Key Speeches

  • Lupetti - Editori di Communicazione ,2001
  • Kurzbeschreibung: The Great Jubilee of 2000 is an event of universal dimensions involving the whole of humanity. Pope John Paul II is the undisputed key-player and most efficient promoter of the Jubilee. In his role as Vicar of Christ, he is indeed carrying out a function which makes him the most authorative interpereter of humanity's appeal to GOD. If, as the Liturgy proclaims, we Christians are called to be "the voice of all creatures" how much more so is John Paul II when he turns to GOD and makes himself the voice of all humans, including those who cannot speak for themselves. Zweisprachig auf Englisch und Italienisch.
  • ISBN-108883910109
  • ISBN-139788883910104
  • Buchformat, Einbandtyp, Einband Material4° (25-35 cm), Hardcover, Kartoniert
  • Seitenzahl, Abbildungen116 Seiten, sehr viele Abbildungen
  • Medium, Sprache, SchriftBuch, Englisch, Latein (normal)
  • Gewicht948 g
  • Einband mit geringfügigen Gebrauchsspuren, insgesamt SEHR GUTER Zustand!